Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today we went to a Cancer Hospital in Guatemala City. We did our drama in the waiting room, so most of the people there were just waiting for people who were in treatments or waiting for treatments. We prayed with several people who were getting ready to go into a test or a procedure, and several who were waiting for loved ones in treatment. Many of the people I talked to were already Christians, so it was cool. One of the ladies actaully read us a Bible verse and thanked us for coming. Another man was waiting for his wife who was getting a test for a tumor they found on her chest. As we were praying, she came into the waiting room, and after we were finished praying, the two left together and someone said they saw her smiling. I was very blessed to get to pray with the people.
After we finished there, we walked a couple blocks to another location because our bus had a small accident. We found this playground outside of another hospital and we set up our stuff there and did the drama. After the drama, one of the translators took us over to a lady who needed prayer. Her mother-in-law isn't doing well at all and they're afraid that it's going to be her last night. We got to talk to several more people before we had to board the bus and head back to the hotel (even though we got here only a few minutes ago, and we seem to be VERY early).
Tonight is crazy hair night! I can't wait because some of our LITS (leaders in training) are allowing us to come into their room to do everyone's hair. It's gonna be so much fun!
Tomorrow is our last ministry day. We're doing our drama 3 times, so please pray for strength and health for our team. Also pray for all of the people we've met so far, and everyone else that we're going to meet tomorrow.
Lots of Love

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like God is using you guys everywhere you go! So excited for you and that you are able to see God work. I'll continue to pray that your last day is an amazing one!!

    God Bless - Charlie Johnson
