Friday, July 9, 2010

last Ministry day!

Today we went to 2 small villages and an orphanage. Well first off, the guys on our team gave each of the girls a small boquet of flowers, a bracelet and a note; which was very sweet!
Our bus stopped at the orphanage, so we had to walk up this mountain to the first village. It wasn't too bad of a hill, until we passed it and had to go back down. After we did our drama at the first location, we had to walk back up the hill even further, which was much steeper! We made it to the top without any problems, and thankfully trhe view was very pretty. Unfortunately, it started raining half way through the drama. It started pouring after we finished. My makeup looked pretty funny because all of my black paint ran. Walking down the hill in the rain was insane! We made it back to the orphanage, but it was too wet to do the drama again, so they took us into their chapel and played some music for us. They played "La Bamba" (which by the way was written by a Guatemalan band) for us and a couple other worhip songs like Trading my sorrows and Open the Eyes of My Heart. It was pretty cool!
I don't have much more time to post so I'm keeping this pretty short. I probablt could've written at least another short paragraph. Tomorrow is our tourist day and we get to go back to the market. I will probably post a short thing again tomorrow. Sunday is our travel day, and I'll be back in Jersey before midnight. :)
Lots of Love,

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