Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guatemala volcano & such

most of you all know of the volcano that errupted in Guatemala last week and the hurricane, and the sink hole (my sister has been to the intersection where the sinkhole is). The country was hit with a very devastating blow this week. The first time I heard about it, I didn't know what to think.... actually I did, it was "oh no, what are they going to do, we're heading there in less than a month. What's going to happen to the trip?" I guess I may have jumped right to what could be the worst thing that could happen.
as time went on (within a day or two), I started to realize that God is going to use this devastation and turn it around into something beautiful and amazing and probably more than we can fathom. The trip is NOT being canceled or shut down.... I think this is actually doing the opposite and lighting the fire of excitement even more than it had been.
I received the team list, costume assignment, and flight information yesterday. :) I will be serving on Team 3, and I'm in charge of bringing the Evil Magician costume for my team.
The trip is about 25 days away! Please continue to pray as we prepare and gather the final things together.
Dios le Bendiga,


  1. Hey Joy!!! I totally agree with what you said. Even though all of this looks awful, God will use it all for His glory! I can't wait to see what He does this summer!

    See you in 25 days! =)

    {team 3}

  2. Soo. Excited. What you said is absolutely true Joy.

    Much love and prayers,
